There is now a definite chill to the air and the light quality is changing subtly, lower in the sky and softer. Thoughts turn to the festive season as far as craftpeople are concerned, and probably have been since about July! Much of my making has focused on fulfilling orders for galleries and shops for mid-October so no panic there, no, not all all.
Actually, it is always an exciting time as it heralds a period of lots of interaction with clients, past and new, and planning seasonal events. but more of that later.
Studio renovation updates
It's been a long slow process, as the walls have taken AGES to dry out enough for any work to be done to them. All my display ideas have been perculating, changing and frustratingly slow but the end is in sight! Most of the render has been taken off to over one metre and the horrible wonky shelves I inherited are now prised off the walls, so the studio space is essentially an empty cube, and already feels so much more spacious, if not very messy still.

The plasterer has now been, and in two weeks we can lime-wash the walls. Hopefully by early November the new display shelves will be up and everything looking much more presentable.

Mosaic workshops
It has been so lovely to get back into the swing of leading mosaic workshops in the studio with up to five people attending. I get to meet the most wonderful people who constantly surprise me with their creative flair with only a short introduction to the craft.
I will also be out and about giving a talk and workshop at Knowsbury W.I. near Ludlow, a return workshop hosted by Willow Gallery in Oswestry and another one at Loudwater Community Arts Centre, also in Ludlow. I'm also back in school leading a three-day workshop with three classes of Year 3 & 4 pupils at St Giles Primary School in Shrewsbury on mosaics, as they are learning about the Romans this term. Ninety little makers in three days is going to be interesting! Wish me luck!
New mosaic themes
The floral theme has really taken over my work recently following on with a 'floral carpet' idea that has sprung from old photographs of municipal planting schemes. The many petal idea is now used in some new coaster designs and a range of heart-shaped mosaics. These will be uploaded to the web shop very soon.
A different design tack is to use more gold mosaic material, inspired by the decorative panels of Gustav Klimt. These will develop the ideas I had for a long panel called 'Cornucopia', using several different mosaic techniques in one design. More of that to follow.

Exhibition news
Last year I joined the British Association of Modern Mosaics (BAMM) as a professional member and I am really enjoying learning more about the technical and creative aspects of the craft. It is also a great network to belong to. I was really pleased to have my submission accepted for an exhibition in March 2022 called 'Constellation 2022' at Chester Cathedral. The Cathedral has some beautiful Victorian mosaic murals on bible story themes, and some gorgeous stained glass windows. This prestigious national exhibition of contemporary mosaic works of art is an opportunity to respond to the theme of constellation and what that might mean to different artists. I'll be able to post some snapshots of work in progress, but not the completed work until the exhibition starts. It's a exciting project to be working on from November onwards.
And exciting news ... Winter Open Studios are back
After two years of restricted or non-existant opportunities to share new mosaic work, and working mostly with online exhibitions, open studios will now be possible this year (fingers are crossed). So with a newly decorated studio to showcase my work, and in tandem with Parker & Arrol, talented textile designers and upstairs neighbours and local artist, Linda Edwards who is showing her beautiful gold and watercolour art in her house, we can finally announce the dates! We are all very excited to be welcoming visitors to our studios to see new work.

You are cordially invited to the Winter Open Studios for some sparkle and mulled wine
10am to 5pm, Saturday 27th November
11am to 3pm, Sunday 28th November
Studio 38c Wyle Cop, Shrewsbury SY1 1XF
If you wish to book a private view during December, then please just email me at or use the contact form on this website to arrange a time and day.
You can access further information about visiting the studios of Parker & Arrol and Linda Edwards on their websites, just click on the links.
And last but not least...
Thank you most sincerely to everyone who has visited the studio and online, read my rambling newsletters, bought my work and encouraged me throughout 2021. You can never know how much it has kept me going and spurs me on towards 2022. I am so looking forward to catching up with you all during Open Studios and throughout December.
Take care and very best wishes, Lindsey x