Flying starts!
I hope that you are well and enjoying the transition from chilly Winter to a more optimistic Spring, despite world events?
I was expecting a quiet start to 2022, with development time built in but you know what happens to best laid plans...So, I did get time to work on some new ideas. The first is a series of various sized floral mosaics that you arrange just how you wish on a wall, andd the series is called, not surprisingly 'Wallflowers'. I am particularly fond of wallflowers, or gillyflowers, in my garden as they are one of the few plants I seem to be able to grow from seed! They will be available in the website store soon.

New Exhibition - Constellations 2022
it was a very exciting moment when my submission to the British Association of Modern Mosaic was accepted for their annual, and very prestigious, contemporary exhibition based on the theme of 'Constellations 2022'. The exhibition features both UK and International mosaic artists and is at Chester Cathedral Chapter House, running from the 21 March to 24 April 2022, but do check out the Cathedral website for opening times as there are events that may affect those times. There is an embargo on photos of any completed pieces until after the exhibition, so if you would like to visit the exhibition to see my work that would be fantastic, there is also an online exhibition via the BAMM site. I'll pop photos into my next newsletter too.
Rural School Mosaic Project
Whixall Primary School is well and truly in a rural Shropshire location, making for an interesting car journey out for a site meeting. As always, I love a school's enthusiasm and can-do attitude to these projects. So the brief is to work collaboratively with the whole school community to create a unique mosaic that reflects the local environment. This includes the Llangollen Canal and surrounding wetlands. The project starts in late March so catch up with progress on my Instagram account at @lindsey_kennedy_portfolio.
There is always a thrill when someone approaches me to show my work unsolicited. I worked with Court Barn Museum, setting up its education and volunteer training programme whilst it was being established with Heritage Lottery funding back in the days of being a musuem consultant. It is very flattering to be invited to show my work in their next selling exhibition in the home of such a fabulous Arts & Crafts collection. The museum is beautifully constructed and the work of Ashbee in particukar, has always been an inspiration. The exhibition is on 2 - 24 April 2022 if you fancy a trip out to the delightful Chipping Campden in Gloucestershire.

I will be taking a single artist board opportunity to show a body of mosaic work from 6 April 2022, and the theme will be mosaic floristry featuring some of my mosaic floral bouquets. I'll be in the gallery a little more often so hope to meet some of you there. Check the VAN website for more details.

Community Jubilee Garden Mosaic Project
Consultation work has just begun on this project initiated by the fantastic Clare at Lovelyland, a not-for-profit, social enterprise that designs and delivers engaging programmes with schools and community groups in Shropshire and surrounding areas.
I was wondering how I could get involved in mosaic-making to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee and here is the perfect project. It will definitely involve trees and lots of flowers for sure. The design is being drawn up in consultation with the different groups and will adorn the wall of the garden shed in their community garden in Castlefields, in Shrewsbury.
Thank you so much for taking time to read my newsletter, and I hope you are as excited as I am with all the positive activities happening around my mosaic work. On 1 April 2022 I will celebrating five years in my studio so keep an eye out for some celebratory special offers.
And a date for your diary, Saturday 25 June will be a Summer Open Day in the Studio in Shrewsbury. You will hopefully be able to also book private studio visits if I can get the technology to work on this website!
Take care and very best wishes, Lindsey